Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Oracle Patching

Applying Patches to Oracle Database:

   Oracle continues to recommend that, even though other mitigation measures may be available, Critical Patch Updates be applied as soon as possible in order for organizations to retain their security in depth posture. 


1. Check oracle database full backup.
2. take oracle home backup and inventory backup.
tar -cvf /u01/oracle/home10204_bkp.tar .

3.chek vaild and invaild object counts.
select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where status='INVALID'

Apply to 10204 home:

Shut down DBs and listener on this home
Check for zombie processes: ps -ef | grep ora

if any process is there kill that process.

export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/OPatch
which opatch (verify
echo $ORACLE_HOME (verify

Apply Jul2011CPU:
cd /orasw/dba/patches/12419249

opatch napply -skip_subset -skip_duplicate

Hit enter when it asks for e-mail address

Enter "Y" I am ok being uninformed

Then "Y" for All

Once successfully completed. start the database.

Apply to Database:


Now run CATBUNDLE for each DB:
#cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
@?/rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql cpu apply


select *from  registry$history;
check the vaild and invaild object  counts.

start the listener.

opatch lsinventory --> os level we can check what are the patchs are applied.

How to rollback:
opatch rollback -id <patchid>

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